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Series & Point Animation

Describes animating data points in real-time to provide context for data that is changing.

There are a number of chart animation types. Some are aesthetic while others have functional value. One functional scenario is when updating series data points in real-time, animation provides a context for what is changing. A line series may have points added at the end or have certain point values change and if the line animates this change correctly, it is immediately understandable what change has occurred.

When using the FP API to update a series by adding, updating or removing points, the chart will automatically animate the change based on this operation.

}); // point is added

This is not always a practical interface to use when updating points. Most of the time, there is just a new list of values that must be plotted.

JSCharting provides a clean way to easily accomplish this. The only thing that is needed is that points are given an 'id' value that identifies them. For example, the Interactive Master Detail Chart Sample sample uses this approach to animate the days of the month when they change. The points have id values such as 'p1'-'p31' and values are updated with code such as:

chart.series(0).options({ points: [{ id: "p1", x: "1/1/2020", y: 23 } /*...*/] });

The chart automatically updates each day, removes days if the month has fewer, or adds additional days when the month has more. If a point with matching id exists, the existing point visual with that id will animate.

This id binding extends to series as well. Multiple series can be defined and animated at the same time through a chart options() call.

chart.options({ series: [{ id: "s1", points: [{ id: "p1", y: 5 }] }] });

This will remove all other series and points except the p1 point and animate it. To only update this point without removing others, code such as this can be used:

  .options({ y: 5 });

If there is no confusion about which series p1 is in, this will work as well:

  .options({ y: 5 });

Individual vs. Connected Points

Using id binding to animate points works automatically when dealing with individual point visuals like columns. When the points are connected to each other, as in the case of line series, it becomes slightly more difficult because id binding only adds points to the end of the series and x value sort order is not enforced. However, if necessary, the splice() function can be used to insert points into the series at any position.

chart.series("s1").points.splice(0, [